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Top tips for seasonal energy saving

Top tips for seasonal energy saving

It’s definitely the most wonderful time of the year, but perhaps now more than ever, we’re all very aware of the cost of extras and excesses that can be associated with Christmas. Here are Finn Geotherm’s top tips for saving energy this festive season:

  • Lights

No Christmas tree is complete without being decked out in lights but opt for LED lights as they use 90% less energy than conventional ones. Turn off your tree lights when you go to bed and set any outdoor lights on timers too so they aren’t left on all night.

  • Turn off your TV

According to the Energy Saving Trust, 53% of people admit to leaving the TV on as background noise. Try to switch off the TV if no-one’s watching it.

  • On standby

Switch off anything which is left on standby as these all use electricity. According to tech retailer Currys, TVs and game consoles, which are usually left on standby, account for a staggering 19 per cent of total electrical use in the average household or 9% of the nation’s energy bill.

Also, don’t leave any devices plugged in and charging after the battery is full. A fully charged phone uses two watts and a phone that is charging uses three watts so there is not much difference. Don’t forget to unplug your laptop if you’ve been working from home too.

  • Talking turkey

When it comes to cooking your Christmas dinner, keep the oven door closed as much as possible to retain the heat. Roast all the vegetables in the same tray to reduce oven time, plus it helps to save on washing up too! The same can be done with boiled or steamed vegetables – simply cook them together in one pan on the hob.

Air fryers have become increasingly popular this year and can also be used to cook anything from turkey crowns to sprouts, saving around 20% of the cooking time and 20°C.

  • Time for a cuppa

The kettle’s bound to get a lot of use if you’ve got visitors popping over for a cuppa and a mince pie, but remember to only boil the water you need each time. Research says UK tea drinkers could save nearly £1 million a day in electricity savings by only boiling what’s needed – and that’s not even including the coffee drinkers, or anyone boiling water for cooking!

  • Heating

If you are seeing some family this Christmas, having extra people inside your home might make it get a bit too warm. Turn down the thermostat or adjust your radiators in advance.

And don’t forget, the best way to enjoy energy efficient heating and hot water all year round is by switching to a ground or air source heat pump!

Season’s greetings from all at Finn Geotherm!

12th December 2022